GitHub Desktop
Feb 15, 2020
Jul 9, 2024
13.78 MB
Git is an extremely fast, efficient, distributed version control system ideal for the collaborative development of software.
At GitHub, we think that sharing code should be as simple as possible. That’s why we created GitHub Desktop for Mac. The sync button pushes your changes to GitHub and pulls down other’s changes in one operation. It notifies you when you have changes you haven’t pushed or there are new changes on GitHub you haven’t pulled down.
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What's new
- Fixed color contrast issue for pull request header state labels.
Download links
How to install APK?
1. Tap the "DOWNLOAD APK" button.
2. Click one of the links provided
3. Touch install.
4. {Allow install from unknown sources if not enabled.}
5. If the browser can't open APK file, Open APK using File Manager (File Explorer) in downloads folder.. It should work
6. Follow the steps on the screen.
(NB, Mozilla/Opera/UC Browser etc. are the best APK Browser.. Chrome doesn't work sometimes)